General Equipment
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Water Purification
Our complete line of water purification technologies includes solutions for your most critical and everyday application needs, from electrodeionization to reverse osmosis and distillation.
Source purified water for lab glassware washing or for feed water to an ultrapure water system with the Thermo Scientific™ Barnstead™ RO System. This RO (reverse osmosis) system utilizes multiple purification steps including the latest advances in both pretreatment and membrane technologies to create consistently pure RO water. Available in flowrates for 6, 12 or 24L/hr. for any application, this system is easy to operate and simple to maintain.
Intelligent Controls:
Source purified water for lab glassware washing or for feed water to an ultrapure water system with the Thermo Scientific™ Barnstead™ RO System. This RO (reverse osmosis) system utilizes multiple purification steps including the latest advances in both pretreatment and membrane technologies to create consistently pure RO water. Available in flowrates for 6, 12 or 24L/hr. for any application, this system is easy to operate and simple to maintain.
Intelligent Controls:
- Automate operation, monitor system performance and pressure
- Display key data including membrane performance, reservoir level and cartridge status
- Monitor incoming water and membrane pressure and indicate when prefilter must be changed
- Delivers multistep purification in a single system
- Includes all required components
Technology Innovations:
- Composite polyamide RO membranes
- Unique MPS that protects membranes from surface scale buildup, eliminates need for softening and extends membrane life
- Automatic flush that cleans RO membrane(s) to help eliminate buildup of scale on membrane and extends membrane life
- Small footprint fits any size lab and features convenient wall- or bench-mounting.
- Wall bracket is included with system.