
Solid Fat Content Determination in Fat Compositions

Solid Fat Content Determination in Fat Compositions

 NMR  technique is useful in the SFC Analysis. The main advantages are Speed of Analysis, Accuracy and non-distructive testing.

 Solid Fat Content Determination in Fat Compositions


       The characterisation of fat compositions by their melting curves is a world-wide established minispec NMR method.

       • ISO 8292
       • AOCS Cd 16b -93
       • IUPAC 2.150

       The dilatometry method has numerous disadvantages compared to NMR method. The main advantages of NMR are:

       • Speed of Analysis
       • Accuracy
       • Ease of Operation
       No trained personnel necessary.
       • Very good reproducibility
       • Method is non-destructive - can be repeated as often as desired.

       Bruker minispec systems for Solid Fat Content Determination
       More than 2000 systems for this application in the field. All systems calibrated based upon the Calibration Standards of Unilever Research.

       How the Solid Fat Content Application is executed (Standard way of Analysis):

       • Melt Fat Composition to be investigated at T = 80°C.
       • Fill fat composition in Bruker 10 mm diameter sample tubes - fill height 4 cm.
       • Keep the sample at T = 60°C for 5 minutes.
       • Locate tube into T = 0°C bath for 1 h. It is essential to keep mentioned time periods always very accurately.
       • Put sample into measuring temperature for 30 minutes. Investigation of melting curve requires multiple measurement temperatures, e.g. 10°C / 15°C / 20°C / 25°C / 30°C / 35°C etc. The Solid Fat Content results for all measuring temperatures create the melting curve of a fat composition.
       • Insert tube into minispec and wait for results presentation. One minispec analysis leads to the final Solid Fat Content value. This determination is called the direct SFC method. Running the tubes of all measurement temperatures at the same time is called direct parallel method.

       Note: As different methods will lead to differences in results, it is essential to know which procedures have been applied for which samples. Different tempering procedures will result in same values only in exceptional cases.

       Bruker Solid Fat Content Calibration Standards are supplied together with a ISO certificate that proves the correct operation of the minispec for a certain period of time.

 Only Bruker minispec systems calibrated with original Bruker calibration Standards will guarantee correct results which can be compared with other factories around the world.

       Storage of SFC Calibration Standards in the new minispec.

Following storage conditions should be always fulfilled (if not stored inside the mq20):
• Room temperature 17°C - 25°C
• No direct sun light
• No heat sources
• Tubes in upright position




Credit : Bruker

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