
FT-NIR Analyzers for the Sugar Industry

FT-NIR Analyzers for the Sugar Industry

FT-NIR offers a fast and effective tool for controlling the critical parameters of raw materials, products and by-products.

FT-NIR Analyzers for the Sugar Industry

A tight quality control is important throughout the complete sugar production chain to ensure efficient processes for optimized yield and quality. FT-NIR offers a fast and effective tool for controlling the critical parameters of raw materials, products and by-products in all production steps: sugar cane, bagasse, juices, molasses, massecuites, raw sugar, refined sugar, syrups and bioethanol.

FT-NIR Advantage
       Near infrared spectroscopy provides stable and accurate analysis results of multiple components within seconds. It is a non-destructive method without any sample preparation and does not require the use of any solvents or reagents. Huge time and cost savings can be achieved by implementing FT-NIR
• in the lab of a sugar mill to speed up and improve efficiency of laboratory operations
• at-line close to the production area where operators can carry out a fast and easy check of various sampling points in the process
• on-line for real time process control to obtain continuous information about changes and variations in composition of product streams.



Cane Milling: Improve Profitability

       Bruker Optics provides solutions based on FT-NIR for all sample types of interest during the entire cane milling process. The reliable and fast analysis of incoming cane is required for the fair payment of farmers. In the extraction process a continuous control of the different stages is important to optimize yield and extracting efficiency.

• Brix
• Brix in Juice
• Pol
• Residual Sugars
• Purity
• Fiber
• Moisture/Water
• Ash


Sugar Milling: Process Control

       The production of raw sugar is a process with multiple steps and many different intermediate sugar factory products. The control of each step is highly important to ensure quality and increase efficiency with regard to optimal yield and reducing power requirements by optimized usage of electricity, heat and steam.

• Brix
• Pol
• Dry Solids
• Moisture
• Ash
• Sucrose
• Glucose
• Fructose
• Reducing Sugars
• Purity
• Dextran
• Color


Sugar Refinery: Process Optimization

       Sugar refining is a multi-step process with large control demands that lead to a huge optimization potential. FT-NIR allows for fast and easy analysis of all materials of interest in the lab, at-line or on-line providing accurate and timely information according to the demands of the production environment.

• Brix
• Pol
• Moisture/Water
• Ash
• Reducing Sugars


Bioethanol Plant: Increase Productivity

       Fermentation of biomass is one important source for renewable energy and a tight process control of several industrial, chemical and microbiological parameters is required for optimal ethanol conversion rates. FT-NIR allows a fast and efficient control of the sensitive fermentation process as well as the other steps before and after.

• Brix
• Pol
• Moisture/Water
• Sucrose
• Glucose
• Fructose
• Reducing Sugars
• Ethanol


Credit : Bruker Co., Ltd.

Contact us

Syntech Innovation Co., Ltd.
388/5 Nuanchan Road, Nuanchan,
Buengkum, Bangkok 10230

0 2363 8585 (auto)

0 2363 8595

081 498 9939

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