Advance Analytical
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Fourier 80: Benchtop NMR from Bruker

Easy To Install
The Fourier, an 80 MHz high-performance nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) benchtop spectrometer designed for the routine laboratory. With a cryogen-free magnet design, the Fourier makes NMR accessible in the lab where users and operators work. It can be installed in the fume hood or on the bench without the need for new infrastructure, providing easy maintenance and minimal cost of ownership. The performance of the benchtop, combined with the intuitive software, means any lab can now incorporate the definitive analytical answers only NMR can provide.
Easy to Use
The Fourier features GoScan™, a newly developed modern interface which guides users through pre-defined, dedicated workflows. Novice NMR users can use pre-defined data acquisition choices in the GoScan software, or customize them, while experienced users can use Bruker's industry standard TopSpin™ software for more detailed acquisition parameters.
Easy To Do More
The Fourier has been designed for highest data quality and stability at 80 MHz, with excellent lineshape, resolution and sensitivity in 80 MHz homonuclear 1H or heteronuclear 1H/13C FT-NMR experiments. It runs Bruker's TopSpin™ software, giving users access to the extensive TopSpin library of 1D and 2D homonuclear and proton-carbon heteronuclear experiments and pulse programs.
Academic/basic research benefits
- Work hands on with NMR in a familiar environment
- Directly obtain the exact data needed from samples
- Verify synthesized substances
- Create and modify workflows, pulse sequences, parameter sets, AU programs
- Use Bruker high-field system workflows on the benchtop
Education applications
Teach everyday NMR examples, such as analyzing saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in edible oils.
Other examples:
Other examples:
- Verify synthesized products
- Observe enzymatic reactions
- Determine pH
- Study enantiomers
- Analyze soft drinks
Synthesis control benefits
- Verify synthesized products
- Perform synthesis control directly on the bench
- Simply touch a button for software data acquisition
- Automated data interpretation
- The confidence of immediate verification
Forensic applications
- Analyze small organic molecules and metabolites up to mid-sized peptides and natural products
- Mixture analysis of synthetic or biological substances in solutions or composites
- Identification: signals can be easily assigned to a known structure
- Quantification: integration of all signals obtained in a dedicated spectral region
- No standard reference substance required
- Database connectivity

Need a coffee break? Analyzing coffee and milk samples using NMR
The process of using NMR for molecular structure identification and verification can be applied to many
real-world examples are probably very familiar with; coffee and milk. to enhance a student‘s learning