The industry-ready WDXRF analyzer
The S6 JAGUAR offers more analytical power with typically more than 50% reduced measurement times than any other compact WDXRF instrument, featuring its new compact WDXRF goniometer, closely coupled optics, and 400 W direct excitation power. Based on the brand new HighSenseTM XE detector with its ultimate linear range of more than two Million cps, it delivers excellent accuracy and precision for quality control in industrial labs.
The S6 JAGUAR system components are well protected by our proven SampleCareTM technology, ensuring highest instrument uptime and lowest cost of operation, especially when running liquid or powder samples.
Glass & Ceramics
From table ware and construction materials, from industry refractory materials to high performance ceramics in electronics, non-metallic oxide materials have a wide usage. The performance of a furnace lining or a ceramic insulator strongly depends on the elemental composition. The S6 JAGUAR with GEO-QUANT Basic analyzes raw materials, intermediates and final products. It can handle different sample sizes with the changeable collimator mask and is therefore a excellent tool even for final products.
Minerals & Mining
Cement & Building Materials
Materials Research
Petrochemistry & Fuels
Food & Feed
Metals & Slags
Pharma & Chemistry