The benchtop EDXRF instrument is used for solid and liquid samples, prepared or bulk, for the elemental analysis from carbon to americium (C – Am). Detectable elemental concentrations in the samples can range from ppm up to 100%.
The HighSense Technology of the S2 PUMA Series 2 combines high-power (50 W), long-life-time X-ray tube with closely coupled optics and the HighSense™ detectors. The HighSense™ (for Na to Am) and HighSense™ LE detector (C-Am) are next generation silicon drift detectors (SDD) with high count rates, superb energy resolution, and Peltier-cooling for shortest measurement times, excellent data quality and low operation costs.
The unique sample handling options of the S2 PUMA Series 2 make it the perfect fit for many applications in industry and research, where precise and accurate results must be delivered fast on an easy-to-operate instrument.
Depending on sample type and desired throughput, the versions Single, XY Autochanger, Carousel, Automation, and Mapping-Stage cover all possible scenarios. The S2 PUMA Series 2 Automation is the only benchtop EDXRF spectrometer, which is ready for full integration into automated laboratory environments. The Mapping-Stage enables automated multi-spot analysis collected on small and large samples (up to 152 mm in diameter).
Single, XY Autochanger, Carousel, Automation, Mapping-Stage
HighSense Detectors
High count rates – short measurement times – superb energy resolution:
The HighSense™ detectors enable fast and accurate measurements even for samples with light elements.